The world is constantly facing challenges of natural disasters, political unrest and even wars.
These events often cause the greatest human suffering for those subjected to such tragic circumstances.
RRI seeks to bring critical care and urgent relief to those undergoing this devastating ordeal .

Restoring value and dignity to young
men and women
in Singapore's
To provide life and light in the darkest times of our fellow man during a disaster.
To work with local partners who can effectively follow up with our rescued victims in physical and emotional rehabilitation.

With funding from donors and partners, RRI sends rapid response teams as soon as possible to a catastrophic disaster to conduct a variety of operations including search and rescue, medical first aid, provision of food, water and medicines, provision of water filters and trauma counselling.
From the onset of arrival at a disaster zone, we strategically look to partner with local organisations and communities. This enables follow-up care and support for the rescued victims over a longer term. The aim is to bring not just physical healing but also mental, emotional and spiritual well-being that will keep those rescued well for life.
We also actively search for neighbourhoods or villages that have been overlooked by local and international relief workers. This is to extend search and rescue operations, medical relief and essential supplies to any survivor that requires help.

The birth of Rescue and Relief International (RRI) came from a stirring in our hearts to fulfil the mission of Mercy Centre - in this context to provide relief, assistance or support to those suffering distress, misfortune and helplessness due to natural or man-made disasters.
RRI began its disaster rescue and relief experience since the South Asia Tsunami in 2004. We have deployed into the Pakistan/Kashmir earthquake in 2005, the Iran earthquake in 2005, the Jogjakarta earthquake in 2006, Typhoon Ondoi in Phillipines in 2009, earthquake in Haiti in 2010, Japan Tsunami in 2011, Manila floods in 2012 and Typhoon Pablo in Mindanao in 2012.

Support our work;
we need:
- Personal Protection Equipment
- Specialised Rescue Equipment
- Relief Goods
- Emergency medical supplies and equipment
*please note all volunteers have to go through a selection process

Donate financially to support our work.
*Please note that no more than 15 percent of your donation will go towards unavoidable administration cost such as international fund transfer fees, air freight, ground transport, fixed overheads and air fares. RRI Staff are full-time unpaid volunteers and do not receive any salary from your donation.